Wednesday, February 6, 2008


It is indeed.

I have started this blog to spread some thoughts, some opinions, and I hope some good while I’m at it.

Unlike the dystopian theme of the novel which shares my heading, I have pursued the practice of Yoga for many years now for the plain and simple desire of finding my nirvana. To be honest, I spent much of those years looking in the wrong direction. Pursuing misguided attempts at harmony. And unbeknownst to me, causing more seeds of frustration and discontent to play in my daily life. As my grams would say, “… all the wrong things for all the right reasons.”

The desire, though, was still there. The simple and unharming desire to simply be: be happy, be content, be honorable, be here and now. I think the breaking point came when I saw not so much the suffering on my part, but the suffering in the people closest to me: my family, my children, my dearest friends. The world is, after all, a reflection of our own perceptions.

So, on a whim, I signed up for a Yoga Teacher Certification course at the only local Yoga Alliance accredited school here in the city. It was, to say the least, an outrageously wild adventure. It was enlightening in more ways than I could have ever imagined, but not in anyway I had expected. By the end of the 3 month, 225 hours course I realised I knew nothing when it came to the life and practice of Yoga. Don’t get me wrong, I gathered a wealth of knowledge and more importantly, a BIG FAT ARROW pointing me in the right direction to fully pursue more teachings. I was simply a certified teacher who had just realised I was newborn in one of the oldest practiced faiths. I knew a lot, but I knew nothing.

That was last year.

So the journey begins…..

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