Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Chakras and You

During the Spring I came across several teachings through my readings and practice that repeatedly touched base on the Chakras. Whether it was the right time for me, or the teachings were well delivered, or the planets were in alignment, regardless of the reasons, the individual (and unexpected) messages on the Chakras really stood out for me. I started isolating much of my studies on the work of the Chakras; the theories, practices, and correlations to western science. I found the teachings to be very enlightening; from the pragmatic to the metaphysical.

In a nutshell, they just make sense. So, for the joy of it all, I decided back in May to devote the rest of the Summer sessions at the Tango Tea Room to Chakra work. There are 8 Saturday sessions throughout the Summer. At the end of May we started with the first Chakra, Muladhara. At the next session we will be working on the fourth, Anahata.

I offer a hand out with the symbol on top, a brief description to go with the lecture that begins the class, and highlights of the specifics with the traditional Sanskrit names so if anyone wants to research the information later, on their own time, they have a reference point to start from.

Like always, in every session I remind the participants that what I say, what the books and teachings say that I reference to are not here to be forced down anyone’s throat as the end-all-be-all to truth and life. I know people are quite varied in their beliefs and if anything, particularly on the spiritual end, interferes, collides, or goes against their personal beliefs, then let it go. These sessions are for enlightenment and to better ourselves, not to hurt, judge or in any other way create discomfort. Everyone seems to understand and respect the openness of the class. Without fail, at the end of these sessions someone has always come up to share with me their “aha” moment that morning. Discussions ensue and the teachings carry on out the door.

I feel that the way the Chakra teachings move through the cleansing of the body, mind, then spirit work well for all. Whether the yogi believes in God, Nature, Nothing, or Everything these teachings speak to all. My hope is that at some point in time, immediately or years later, these positive lessons of enlightening the Self find a way to help everyone.

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